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Q&A Forums Can Help Build a Brand

Leveraging social media as a “strategic marketing initiative” generally means raising brand awareness among a specific audience on a small budget. But unlike traditional one-way media, the interactive nature of the social sphere means that it is also possible to drive direct customer conversions along the way. Many startups use channels such as LinkedIn and Twitter […]
David S. Rose
David S. Rose , Founder and CEO , GUST INC.
11 Aug 2013

(Don’t) Take the Money and Run

For a true entrepreneur, shutting down a failing venture is the single hardest thing you will ever do. It goes against every fiber of your No. 1 core belief, best articulated by Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never give up!” It’s this dedication, perseverance and commitment that defines every great entrepreneur, and one of the most […]
David S. Rose
David S. Rose , Founder and CEO , GUST INC.
8 Aug 2013

M.B.A. Programs Have Adapted to the Startup Model

It’s fashionable in this fast-paced era of exponentially accelerating technology to deride the value of a traditional M.B.A. Indeed, some people believe that even an undergraduate degree is not particularly useful for a would-be entrepreneur, and the most vocal adherents of this school of thought are encouraging ambitious young people to drop out of college […]
David S. Rose
David S. Rose , Founder and CEO , GUST INC.
4 Aug 2013

Learn From the 5 Core Principles of Angel Investors

If your startup is looking for an Angel investor, does it makes sense to present your plan to flocks of Angels, and assume that at least one will swoop down and scoop you up? In reality, hitting large numbers of Angels in multiple locations with a generic pitch is one of the least productive approaches. […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
4 Aug 2013

What is the typical valuation/discount for branded lead angel investors (Dave Mcclure / Peter Thiel, Jeff Clavier etc.)?

I think this question (if I’m reading it as intended) may have a mistaken premise. It’s not as if there is “an official valuation” for a given startup, and that Dave McClure gets 10% discount off of that number for his investment, while Jeff Clavier gets 15% off and I get to pay a 5% premium :-).  Rather, it […]
David S. Rose
David S. Rose , Founder and CEO , GUST INC.
1 Aug 2013
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