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10 Entrepreneurial Lessons From the ‘Gang of Four’

Every startup, as well as mature business, needs to learn as much as possible from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, who have set the standards for fast growth and success in today’s business world. These companies, designated the “gang of four” by Eric Schmidt a couple of years ago, are clearly driving a consumer and […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
3 Mar 2013

Raising Your Hand as Due Diligence Lead for Angel Groups

Through Rob Wiltbank’s ground-breaking study in 2007, angels in groups learned that collective due diligence on new deals really pays off.  The 538 angels included in this study enjoyed 2.6X returns over the life of their investments.  However, for deals on which collective due diligence totally less than 20 hours, returns were only 1.1X.  But, […]
Bill Payne
Bill Payne , Angel Investor , Frontier Angel Fund
27 Feb 2013

Big Obvious Failure is Better Than Long Slow Lack of Success

Steve Blank has a good post today called Failure and Redemption, which he introduces with this: We give abundant advice to founders about how to make startups succeed yet we offer few models about dealing with failure. So here’s mine. Steve’s experience was Rocket Science Games, which raised $35 million and a cover story in Wired Magazine before […]
Tim Berry
Tim Berry , Founder , Palo Alto Software
26 Feb 2013

7 Indicators of the Work Ethic in Your Startup Team

Great entrepreneurs have long been the epitome of people with a great work ethic. But many complain to me that it is becoming harder and harder to find team members and employees who demonstrate and live the same culture. Somewhere along the way, work ethic seems to have been replaced by a pervasive sense of […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
24 Feb 2013

Entrepreneurs Need ‘Go-To’ People, and Be the Model

Go-to people get things done. As an entrepreneur, you need these people, and you need to be one, if you expect your startup to be successful. That may be easier said than done, since resumes do not tell the story, and without real nurturing, the best people won’t stay around long. To highlight how rare […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
17 Feb 2013
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