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Red Flags To Avoid When Talking About Competitors

One of the most important questions you will be asked by potential investors is how your solution beats the competition’s, not just today, but over the three to five year life of their investment. There is no perfect answer to this question, but there are many wrong answers which will immediately jeopardize your credibility. The concept is […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
19 Dec 2011

A long time ago in an economy far, far away. . .

Listen my children and you shall hear Of IPO dreams once held so dear Our forefathers’ jackpot, guaranteed to arrive Hardly a founder now alive Can remember that famous yesteryear So begins, of course, one of the most famous poems of the entire startup canon.  And, a bit misty-eyed, this old war veteran can actually […]
Bob Rice
Bob Rice , MANAGING PARTNER , Tangent Capital
16 Dec 2011

Build Your Pitch on Fundamental Stories

You can’t overemphasize the stories when you describe your business. The best business plans are stories, and the best pitches are stories. Your most important story tells how and why somebody buys your product. That buyer, not you, is the hero of the story. Explain his or her problem, how he finds you, what makes her […]
Tim Berry
Tim Berry , Founder , Startup Professionals
16 Dec 2011

A Startup’s First Steps: What’s In A Name?

Legal and marketing advice on how to name a startup.
Antone Johnson
Antone Johnson , Founding Principal , Bottom Line Law Group
15 Dec 2011

Trends in Seed Stage Funding for Entrepreneurs

I’ve recently taken a look at seed stage funding by venture capitalists (VCs) and angel investors over the past five years.  For VCs, I chose to look at all seed stage VC deals (from MoneyTree©) as well as those in five of the most active regions in the country.  Note that I merged the two Southern California […]
Bill Payne
Bill Payne , Angel Investor , Frontier Angel Fund
13 Dec 2011
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