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5 Dysfunctions That Make Your Startup Unfundable

Every investor I know can tell you at least one story about a great startup team that failed, even though it was well-funded and staffed with qualified and smart people. The reason almost always given is that the team didn’t work well together (dysfunctional). What does that really mean? In my experience, genuine teamwork is […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
25 Mar 2012

Using your business plan

Business plans come in several flavors and you will need each of them to successfully raise money. I’ll briefly describe the forms of your business plan, but more importantly, explain how to avoid common mistakes in using your plans. Elevator Pitch – A two-minute verbal description of your business. Illustrate the problem you are solving and how your solution […]
Bill Payne
Bill Payne , Angel Investor , Frontier Angel Fund
22 Mar 2012

Blogger About Angel Investment: “Confused, Scared, and More Than a Little Ashamed”

Now there’s a great title for a blog post. Writing about angel investment, on his Portland-based Silicon Forest entrepreneurship etc. blog, Rick Turozcy titled his post: I’m confused, scared, and more than a little ashamed. Don’t even try to tell me that doesn’t make you curious. Rick’s a smart guy, very well known in Portland (OR), […]
Tim Berry
Tim Berry , Founder , Palo Alto Software
21 Mar 2012

The Great Crowdfunding Train Wreck of 2013

The verb “to disrupt” in all its forms is rightly popular in the startup world.  To many entrepreneurs, few things are as personally satisfying (or as lucrative) as disrupting an entrenched, complacent, monopolistic, inefficient or stagnant market in ways that often empower consumers and producers alike.  Consumer Internet and mobile technology businesses continue to be […]
Antone Johnson
Antone Johnson , Founding Principal , Bottom Line Law Group
19 Mar 2012

How to Gauge Business Potential for Your Invention

I’m often approached by people who claim to have invented the next big thing, and ask me how much it’s worth, or complain that they can’t find an investor who will fund it. The honest answer is that ideas and new technologies are worth nothing, outside the context of a specific entrepreneur and a specific […]
Martin Zwilling
Martin Zwilling , Founder and CEO , Startup Professionals
18 Mar 2012
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