
Application Status
Investor Type
+9 more
+107 more
  • Reno, NV, USA · Aerospace, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Business Products +23 more

    The Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN) is a private/public partnership committed to adding quality jobs to the region.

  • Grand Forks, ND, US · Aerospace, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Business Products +10 more

    We are a North Dakota based angel investment fund.

  • Wichita, KS, USA · Biotechnology, Business Products, Clean Technology +27 more

    We are a network of accredited investors, family offices, and venture funds investing in high-growth seed and early-stage companies in Wichita and the Midwest.

  • Nancy, France · Computers and Peripherals, Digital Marketing +8 more

    YEAST est un Club de business angels généraliste, investissant dans des startups du Grand Est de la France et au Luxembourg.