Workstation for working while sitting, standing and walking.
- Stage Concept Only
- Industry Consumer Products
- Location Tampere, Finland
- Currency EUR
- Website http://wolker.com (website reserved)
Company Summary
To monetize on the applied patent - filed in february 2014.
MSc Interactive Technology (Univ. of Tampere 2011)
BSc Computer Science (Univ. of Applied sciences Tampere 2000)Employers:
Jolla Oy (2013) , Nokia Oyj (1999-2012; Delivered: Meego (N9), Internet tablets (N800, N810, N810 Wimax and Maemo 5 for N900), First Nokia touch device (Nokia 7710 with Nokia S90 platform), First Symbian product (Nokia 9210 Communicator)Enterpreneurial experience:
Inviago Oy; CEO; co-founder (2012- ) -
MSc. in Law (2007; University of Helsinki, Business law) ,
MSc. in social sciences (2005; University of Helsinki, Political sciences)
European Union (2009-2014)
Attorneys-at-law Merilampi (2008)
Attorneys-at-law Heinonen (2007)
Enterpreneurial experience:
Inviago Oy, co-founder (2012-)
Writer’s Block Oy, CEO (2010-)
Admoneo Oy (consulting) Co-founder (2006)
Innologo Ay (internet retail business) Co-founder (2005) -
Engineer (2001; Metropolia University of Applied Sciences; Information technology)
Tieto Oyj (2004-2012; Senior Software Engineer)
Visual Systems (2001-2004; Senior Software Engineer)
Tieto Oyj (1998-2001)
Enterpreneurial experience:
Inviago Oy, co-founder (2012-)
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