WATTY Technologies

WATTY Remote brings augmented reality closer to what users want: you can play in AR with your friends being separated geographically.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Software
  • Location San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded April 2018
  • Employees 1
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website wattygames.com

Company Summary

WATTY Games is creating amazing tools for AR developers: with WATTY Remote everyone can easily create and share multiuser AR experiences on any AR compatible devices.


  • Founder, CEO

    Gleb is the founder and CEO at WATTY Technologies, company behind WATTY Remote, multiuser AR technology. Gleb has gathered greatest minds in AR industry to work together on making AR more helpful for everyone. Also he managed to successfully acquire angel investment to grow the business. Gleb is an ex-alumni of ESADE in Barcelona.


Previous Investors

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