
Vizmoo has created Groove Catcher, an innovative VR music game with wide appeal, to take advantage of the growing $500M PC/Conole VR gaming software market.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Gaming
  • Location Philadelphia, PA, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded September 2018
  • Employees 0
  • Incorporation Type Not Incorporated
  • Website

Company Summary

Vizmoo is developing Groove Catcher, an innovative VR music game, to sell to end users in the $500M home VR gaming market, license for the $1.2B Location Based Entertainment market, and license to practitioners and clients in various therapy markets. The game is in alpha and is being demoed at expos to great response. Funds will be for marketing, pursuing a patent, and to finish development (new features for high engagement and social sharing).

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