AR [ Augmented Reality ] Creation and Distribution platform for Marketers.
- Stage Product In Development
- Industry Media and Entertainment
- Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Currency USD
- Employees 4
- Website flikz.me
Company Summary
We are a vertically focused player in the AR space and are focusing on Entertainment industry by building our business to connect audience with entertainers.
Harsha PadmanabhaSith Lord
11+ years of experience spanning as a developer of casino games to technical marketing in mobile and automotive gpu , along the way peddled as an entrepreneur starting Lucision ( casino analytics ) and Gamebrausch ( mobile games ). The techno marketing background with business ownership propelled TES as a #3 embedded graphics service provider in europe. Worked with top automotive OEMs like Audi, Dailmer, VW, Ford & Crysler.
Expertise:- Techno -
Bastian ZUEHLKEGraphics Enchanter
13+ years of experience in graphics, post production software, automotive software systems, 3D mapping, console, , pc & mobile gaming. Started VariaMedia in 1999 to develop post-production software. Founder Gamebrausch ( mobile games ) active participant in DemoScene. Chief Architect for embedded GPUs and SW renderers at TES and NXP .
Expertise:- Real-Time Graphics / Rendering Technology / Gaming / Software Architecture / Imaging / Business Con -
Toby THAINWeb Sorcerer
18+ years in developing and leading software development on a wide array of computing machines and platforms starting with PDP, NeXT, MAC, PC and Cloud . Built large scale casino gaming systems for latin america, open source software for print & production and web scale platforms for social marketing and legal consulting. Interests in photography , world politics and a liberal world.
Expertise:- programming languages / software architecture & d -
Bhuvan ThakerBalance Brain
8+ years as Marketing & Advertising professional with Saatchi / Ogilvy / Beehive worked with brands 24[7] Customer / TNT Logistics / Ingersoll Rand / Jubilant Retail - Total Hypermarket. // Then being entrepreneur, started Gourmet snack food company www.bacookie.in //
Expertise: - Strategy & Planning (Business & Brand Marketing) / Non tech NPD / Marketing Communication / Business Development
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