Universal Cancer Conquest India Private Limited

UCC is integrating Cancer patients, Cancer Care infra with limited Cancer expertise by bringing in necessary solutions under a single roof.

  • Stage Product In Market
  • Industry Healthcare Services
  • Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Currency INR
  • Founded August 2017
  • Employees 10
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website http://ucc.co.in cancersamiksha.com

Company Summary

•UCC facilitates 360-degree treatment support to Cancer patients from Screening, Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Psycho-Social Palliative care, Physiotherapy, Diet & Nutrition, Counselling, nursing aid & other Supportive care.

•UCC has set up small Cancer Care Points (CCPs) in small cities located around the main UCC hub hospital locations (main cities).

•UCC is also running its Online Second Opinion portal as “Cancer-Samiksha”.


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