umbagga inc

Our Eco Case is a cellphone case with a storage chamber that houses a reusable shopping bag inside of it so people will always have one

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Retailing / Distribution
  • Location New York, NY, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded August 2018
  • Employees 8
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

The company name Umbagga came from our first invention Its an Umbrella with a reusable shopping bag inside of the handle so its Part Umbrella and part shopping bag so I call it The Umbagga I want to make it easy for people to always have a reusable shopping bag available when they go shopping so they will do their part and picth in to help stop the polluting of the ocean and earth, Im looking for seed capital to produce items to stop pollution


  • Founder Inventor

    I have over 30years experience in the greeting card industry as a desiner and 30+ years as a sales merchandiser and distributor.

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