Trained Maids

Professionally Trained Domestic Help available over an app, 365 days of the year.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Consumer Services
  • Location Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Currency USD
  • Founded March 2015
  • Employees 2
  • Website

Company Summary

Trained Maids is a response to an existing challenge that all urban home-makers face across the country.
Trained Maids is a social-empowerment initiative at its core. The domestic Help segment is disorganised and generally lacking social and financial security. Importantly, more than 60% of this workforce is made up of women. In line with the Govt's push to upskill/ organize this sector, we hope to become a primary game-changer-partner.


  • Founder-MD

    10 years in Media-Communications and Training.
    Homemaker-entrepreneur for the past 3 years

Previous Investors

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