
Timbeter is a smart device application that measures timber quickley and accurately and enables to process data in digital form.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry IT Services
  • Location Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Estonia
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded October 2013
  • Employees 5
  • Website timbeter.com

Company Summary

Timbeter is a smart device application that measures timber quickly and accurately. The key benefits of TIMBETER solution stand in the increased level of measurement accuracy (measurement error ratio is dropping from current 4-5% to 1-1.5% for each timber lot), remarkably quicker measurement and data management process (from 45-60 minutes to 4-5 minutes), grown efficiency (the process of measurement, data entry and development of reports is executed by one person instead of current 2-3 persons). As the results of all measurements are digitally recorded by the system (including the picture taken of a pile), TIMBETER is about to bring traceability and transparency to measurement processes, promoting competitive, fair and sustainable forest management.

Timbeter has 3 measuring options: diameter recognition (log-by-log measurement); truckloads measurement and pile measurement. All the measurements are stored in the storage module that gives gives an up-to-date overview of the raw-material and informative input for production decisions, enabling efficient supply-chain management. In the storage module customers can customize the assortments, prices and generate measurement reports, supporting quick and efficient reporting between the companies.
Timbeter can be integrated with internal systems of the company, like CRM, bookkeeping, payroll or ERP.


  • Over 10 years of experience (marketing, project leader, PR). http://www.linkedin.com/pub/anna-greta-tsahkna/63/a63/2a2

  • Programmer, five years of experience (IT- administrator/programmer). http://ee.linkedin.com/pub/martin-kambla/80/bab/9b8

  • Entrepreneur in timber industry, over 15 years of industry experience (entrepreneur, business consultant). http://ee.linkedin.com/pub/vallo-visnapuu/83/769/460


  • Researcher of roundwood volume estimation methods, composer of book about measurement and assessment of Roundwood. CV: https://www.etis.ee/portaal/isikuCV.aspx?PersonVID=43869&lang=en

Previous Investors

  • Advisor and investor. Founder and Board Member at EstBAN, Member of The Board of Directors at EBAN
    Riivo Anton
    Advisor and investor. Founding member of EstBAN.
    Advisor and investor. 10+ years of experience in sales and general management of tech based companies (Fortumo, Reach-U/Regio).

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