The Job Applicant Perspective

We will create an anonymous Wikipedia of hiring practices and use info gathered from applicants articulating how they see hiring to create a better job board.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Platforms
  • Location Midland, MI, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded August 2023
  • Employees 2
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website

Company Summary

Tech innovations in hiring that drive efficiency for employers have created a one-sided information gap only visible to new applicants, causing massive economic shortfall. We will create a credible, anonymous gossip platform -like Google Reviews to help applicants stay abreast of hiring innovations and build back regional and industry specific job aids for each other. We will use info gathered to build a job board that causes less barriers.


  • Sarah has a B.S. and an M.A. - and is an RPCV. She has 17 years of great work experience and studied 6 langauges. Her devastating experience with the job market in the last 5 years prompted the nuanced research and development that led to this innovation. Job applicant insight matters. Lack of it has driven an economic shortfall that harms everyone in the system. A way to open a dialogue between all stakeholders without harming any is her goal.


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