Temu Materials Oy

We produce high quality leather from mushrooms that were grown on textile waste.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Business Products
  • Location Turku, Finland
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded July 2017
  • Employees 5
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website temumaterials.com

Company Summary

We ease the burden of fast fashion and textile waste, by creating a new resource out of waste. We grow mushrooms on textile waste and produce leather and packaging materials out of it. We will provide two types of products, leather (suede and patent leather) as well as styrofoam replacements in the field of packaging materials. Our business model is simple, to sell products to our customers and handle their textile waste management.


  • Studies in International Business and Innovation Management, experience in event management and working in a small company. An experienced presenter, pitcher and visuals designer

  • Studies in Environmental Engineering, working experience in the mining field. Mushroom enthusiast and production specialist.

  • Tytti Salminen

    Studies in chemical engineering and hospitality, experience in commercial laboratories and cruise hospitality. Mushroom enthusiast.

  • Jani Ahosola

    Studies in microbiology and mycology, working experience in the safety field. Mushroom specialist with knowledge about the growth process.

  • Business Management

    Studies in IPR, innovation management and international business. Experience in the Chinese market and consulting

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