Tel-Aviv Times

Imagine what the newspaper would look like if it was conceived today, designed with all of our current communication technologies in mind...

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Media and Entertainment
  • Location Ilan's, Ibn Gabirol, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Currency USD
  • Founded April 2013
  • Employees 4
  • Website

Company Summary

Tel-Aviv Times presents a convergence of web and social media sources in a single, dynamic, engaging, participatory and real-time news service. As social and user-driven content becomes more central to the media mix, the definition of news is rapidly changing and new platforms are required to present the "new" news of our world. Our customers are the legions who are increasingly turning to the web and social to remain informed.


  • Yoram Symons
    Business and Marketing Development

    Yoram is a new immigrant to Israel and has already provided strategic advice and fundraising services to numerous non-profits and social organizations. He has backgrounds in recruitment, business development and community organizing.

  • Mili Ani
    Technology and Design

    Mili is a leading wordpress and facebook developer. Her clients have included Disney Israel, Paul Frank, Peace Now, Saban Brands and Demologica.

  • Aviad Tovi
    Managing Editor

    Aviad has an extensive background in media. He lectures and teaches at a number of leading media schools including the School of Communications. He also manages the Kol Hacampus Radio Station.

  • Ilyan Marshak
    Lead Correspondent and Field Operations

    Ilyan is one of Israel's leading street journalists and emerging digital artists. Ilyan has pioneered Live Streaming in Israel and has been a key member of the new civic press emergent in Israel in the past two years.

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