Tai-Yang Research Company

SMES stores energy in the form of a magnetic field and is unparalleled in terms of performance and safety compared to its alternatives.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Clean Technology
  • Location Tallahassee, FL, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Website tai-yang.com

Company Summary

The Tai-Yang Research Company is a high technology company founded in 1999 by Dr. Chris Rey. TYRC is located at the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center in Tallahassee, FL and is incorporated in the state of Florida. TYRC employs a knowledgeable staff of scientists and engineers that have over 50 years combined experience in HTS and LTS high field magnet systems, cryogenics, vacuum and electronic systems, and component design and manufacture.


  • Christopher Rey

    Dr. Rey, president and founder of TYRC, was formerly a distinguished scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. At ORNL, he was the Central Solenoid Systems Manager responsible for the design, fabrication, and testing of the central solenoid for the ITER reactor. The central solenoid will be the largest magnet ever built weighing >1000 tons, having a stored energy >6GJ and costing >$450M. He is qualified in the Earned Value Management System.


  • Mr. David Orange, Battersby law (patent attorney) / Mr. Todd Kocourek, Florida First Capital
    Mr. Andrew Rey, partner Pricewaterhouse-Coopers

Previous Investors

  • Air Force Research Laboratory-Phase1 and Phase2 STTR contract to develop the HTS SMES technology
    Department of Energy ARPA-E-3-year, $2.7 M contract to develop the HTS SMES technology
    Tallahassee Economic Development Council-$300k “in-kind” labor help for business development plan

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