
Spinder is a mobile app that allows users to find places & people on a map in order to plan their sports activities, it works everywhere & for every sport

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Mobile
  • Location Paris, France
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded February 2014
  • Employees 0
  • Website spinder-app.com

Company Summary

Spinder is a mobile app (iOS, Android) that allows users to find places and people on a map in order to plan their sports activities.

Spinder works everywhere and for every sport.


  • Business Development Director

    MBA in Sports Management, Master's Degree in Economic Intelligence.

    Business Development, Sports Management, Marketing, Competitive Intelligence, Innovation.

  • Project Coordinator and Strategic Marketing Director

    Master's Degree in Political Science, Master's Degree in Marketing and Management.

    Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Strategic Planning, Competitive Intelligence, Product Development, Hiring, Innovation, Sports, IT.

  • Technical Director

    PhD in Computer Sciences.

    Software Engineering, Java, PHP, Objective C, SQL, CS,S HTML, Project Management, Javascript, Innovation.

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