SOLARMINER Corporation

Solarminer is turning sunlights into bitcoins with the better solar systems.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Clean Technology
  • Location Ottawa, ON, Canada
  • Currency CAD

Company Summary

SOLARMINER based in Ottawa Canada, founded in January 2014, is the first company who designs the world's first solar powered bitcoin mining device.

Solarminer Corporation was founded by Yunfeng Liu and John Carter in January of 2014. Presently the team of six is made up of hardware and software engineering professions, with its corporate headquarters in Ottawa, Canada and employees in China.


  • Founder

    Yunfeng previous ran a startup as a co-founder in 2007-2009 and worked in two high-tech companies serving customers in healthcare and PC industries before immigration to Canada. Afterwards, he graduated from Msc Mathematics at University of Ottawa and worked in another 2 companies in Ottawa, one as a business analyst and the other as a software designer serving TV manufacturers like Sharp, Mitsubishi and FujiXerox before he founded Solarminer.

  • Co-Founder

    In 2005 I returned to school for an MSc followed by a PhD. My return to the academy provided freedom in exploring interests, and allowed months of focus on topics related to software engineering of concurrent systems as well as prestigious collaboration with experts locally and globally. I've since returned to industry while completing my PhD thesis, working with two startups and a medium size company -- honing my development skills.

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