
The #1 supplier review platform in the world. A market network connecting corporate suppliers and corporate buyers.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Software
  • Location Chicago, IL, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded October 2015
  • Employees 3
  • Incorporation Type Not Incorporated
  • Website

Company Summary

Knnected is the fastest and easiest way for corporate suppliers to collect reviews and testimonials from their clients. Knnected turns client feedback and customer enthusiasm into awesome marketing content that is viewed by corporate buyers.

Knnected is also the most advanced technology for corporations to rate and review their suppliers, and find and collaborate with new suppliers. 13 Fortune 1000 corporations are in a closed beta.


  • Founder and CEO of Saas Supplier Data Management company, had 350 Fortune 1000 clients. Sold the company to Kroll, a $2 billion privately held company. An exit and liquidity event that created tremendous value for all, including investors.

  • Neeraj Shah

    Co-founder of CVM Solutions, deep industry expertise in the corporate supplier and corporate procurement technology space. Build and designed database of 35 million global businesses, and Saas technology used by 350 of the Fortune 1000. U. of Chicago MBA.

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