Sasset Technology Inc.

The mission of the company is to make fatal and preventable damages caused from natural disaster happening in Canada completely unnatural!

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry IT Services
  • Location Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Currency USD
  • Founded June 2013
  • Employees 6
  • Website

Company Summary

We are committed to provide our software to all Canadians and aware them about potential natural disaster financial and non-financial risks. We believe we may not be able to stop natural disasters from happening but can prevent the damages they cause.


  • Mani Malek Esmaeili

    - Phd in Electrical Eng.
    - Co Founder and CTO at Sasset Technology Inc.
    - Reviewer at IEEE Signal Processing Society

  • Majid Baradaran Shoraka

    - Phd in Earthquake Eng.
    - Co Founder and CEO at Sasset Technology Inc.
    - Reviewer for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

  • Hamed Hasheminia

    - Phd in Business Admin.
    - Co Founder and CFO at Sasset Technology Inc.
    - Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University

  • Ehsan Nezhadarya
    Head of R&D

    - Phd in Electrical Eng.
    - Head of R&D at Sasset Technology Inc.
    - Scientific research engineer at UBC

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