RKH Management

RKH Management is an entertainment & media powerhouse ready to take your promotion to the next level.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Media and Entertainment
  • Location Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
  • Currency USD
  • Employees 1
  • Website RKHManagement.com

Company Summary

RKH Management has been an in idea in the making since 2011. Social media has been growing at an exponential rate, and it's become saturated with information, users, and media. However, seeing this growth in social media, also means that there is a way it can be utilized to stand out above everybody else. One of the key ideas behind RKH was that there must be a formula, or a best practice method to utilize social media for benefit.

Thinking along the same terms of social media marketing and promotion, application in the entertainment industry was the intended end-point. Today's technology makes it too easy for everyone to display some type of talent. But not all talent is worth viewing, so there's got to be a way for those who are serious to pull ahead of the rest and not just be another face in the crowd. This is where the "production" branch of RKH developed.

And promotion doesn't even stop there. You have to have an image to promote, develop, and market. That's where the design branch comes in. No matter what industry RKH works with, image will always matter. Being able to market, produce, and brand any idea is a universally attractive business model. And being responsible for all these tasks would result in the "management" of one's creative media. RKH is setting a standard and defining a product for the loose term of "promotion". Everyone calls for it, and there needs to be an effective response.

The ideal customer is a business or individual related to the entertainment industry. A band, solo artist, an entertainer, a restaurant, a nightclub, any brand in need of promotion to keep it ahead of its competition. Varying clients will require varying wants and needs. Some will require more time and maintenance, while others will be very easy to manage. With a business model that separates its work amongst branches, clients will get a more personalized product, only needing to deal with the aspects that they wish to.

RKH Management is the idea of Ryan K. Hertel, and will be owned and managed by him to start. Hertel's idea primarily stems from his own experiences as a DJ & producer. His intended goal is to grow RKH into a nationally, if not worldwide, acclaimed company. He believes his universal product will eventually attract hundreds of lifelong clients who will be eager to finally pay for a defined product of "promotion" for their brand.

The reason to ask for a business loan is to put the company on a more professional level than it is right now to attract the proper caliber of clientele. Every business at every stage of the game wants promotion, but to ensure that we make the proper prices that we're asking for, we will have to pursue and market to those who can afford our services.

Additionally, with the appropriate funding, a proper team can be set up and ready for work. RKH will work as a well-oiled machine. Every employee will be on the same page, and the branches will work seamlessly together.

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