RavenWolf - Magical Metaphysical Merchandise

Envision a unique & dynamic new age/metaphysical retail & tour operation in Asheville, NC. We have a business plan & have retail experience in this field.

  • Stage Concept Only
  • Industry Retailing / Distribution
  • Location Asheville, NC, US
  • Currency USD
  • Employees 2

Company Summary

The Brandts have a vision of opening a metaphysical & new age store. They formerly owned a store in AZ and upstate NY while teaching theatre in 2 colleges. They have backgrounds in non profit, retail, theatre & metaphysics. They hold 5 degrees in higher learning. Both are psychics & teachers who discovered metaphysics while teaching in Salem, MA. The vision is a full-service shop to serve Asheville, NC & an online international audience.


  • Owner/Manager

    Retail, business management, theatre and arts management, owner of a former new age store. College and University graduate and instructor. Psychic, healer, teacher.


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