Rapid Find Technologies, LLC

Help golfers find their balls - sports technology.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Sports
  • Location Pembroke Pines, FL, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded March 2014
  • Employees 3
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website RapidFindTechnologies.com

Company Summary

We offer innovative technology for golfers: Our proprietary technology allows golf balls to be located on course through use of mobile device; also allows golfers to capture data throughout round of golf for each shot hit. Top 4 golf ball mfg intends to use our technology in their balls (NDAs signed)
Currently a LLC, we will form corporation.
$1m raised; seeking additional $1.5m.


  • Ken Marc

    Co-founder with Alec Mosher and Louis Reyes-Guyon.
    Attorney, owner/operator of several businesses, including technology company.

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