A lifelong learning school for people excited by change

  • Stage $500K in TTM Revenue
  • Industry Education
  • Location Singapore
  • Currency SGD
  • Founded November 2014
  • Employees 10
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website campus.qlc.io

Company Summary

Education in the 21st century can no longer be about making a one time investment .

QLC is a lifelong learning school for people excited by change. We offer learning memberships and programs, combining online and on campus, for young professionals excited by change.

We’ve connected over 10,000 learners to 800 industry players in AI, esports, K-pop or even brain art, helping them discover the drivers of the new global economy.


  • Co-founder and CEO

    Former founder @ Couchelo, speaker, lecturer, ex-Accenture

  • Co-founder and CTO

    Former founder @ Voost, digital nomad, Laravel community leader

  • Co-founder and COO

    Former founder @ Couchelo, speaker, digital nomad, ex-Accenture

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