Integrated B2B trade payments, built for trade credit.

  • Stage Product In Market
  • Industry Software
  • Location Melbourne VIC, Australia
  • Currency AUD
  • Founded September 2017
  • Employees 5
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

PencilPay is a subscription + payments SaaS tool for wholesale product suppliers that sell goods on terms.

80% of all B2B transactions are ordered and paid for weeks, if not months apart, signifying an enormous credit risk for the supplier.

Pencil provides a fully integrated solution to assist suppliers onboard, analyse and get paid on time.

We fundamentally shift cashflow control away from the buyer, back to the supplier.


  • Director

  • Pencil’s Founder and CEO, Tim is an expert in growth strategy and conversion. Tim has 10 years of experience in the service sector (Hospitality and Retail). In 2010, Tim founded an online business in advertising, sales education and recruitment, which he led until 2017. Leading a team of 300 sales staff, Tim grew the business from the ground up, achieving turnover of $100 million in the business’s first 3 years.


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