Parks Channel

A media platform that makes parks fun to discover, easier to visit and exciting to share.

  • Stage Product In Market
  • Industry Media and Entertainment
  • Location Bethesda, MD, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded August 2021
  • Employees 3
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website

Company Summary

The Parks Channel is a next-generation platform for "America's Best Idea," aggregating community and professional content to help users discover amazing places, plan trips and collect their adventures in one digital hub. Our mobile-optimized website and streaming service on connected TVs work together to serve consumers before, during and after their trips to public lands and historic sites.


  • Co-Founder and CEO

    Former SVP Global Production and Emerging Technology, Smithsonian Channel. Former Executive Producer, National Geographic.

  • Co-Founder and Chief Content Officer


Previous Investors

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