Onecard Group

Kickarse software company specialising in onboarding and workforce compliance that helps keep directors out of jail!

  • Stage Product In Market
  • Industry Software
  • Location Perth Western Australia, Australia
  • Currency AUD
  • Founded March 2017
  • Employees 4
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

Kareena a visionary in the industry, is spearheading a global software revolution, redefining workforce compliance standards. Her proven expertise, unwavering dedication, and industry recognition position her as a formidable leader.
Poised for scalability, Onecard Enterprise, a transformative platform providing industry-wide transferable records. Be part of our success story marked by innovation, strategic pivots, and sustainable organic growth.


  • Founder CEO and CGO

    Kareena is the Founder , CEO and Chief grit Officer (CGO) of the software company Onecard Group and is an expert in workforce learning & development with over 20 years of experience as a National Training Manager and RTO Manager. In 2017, she founded Industry OneCARD™, driven by her passion to support overworked administration teams grappling with endless records management tasks.

  • Dr Jeff Sinclair
    Co founder CTO

    Dr Jeff Sinclair: Co-Founder CTO Onecard Group
    Jeef was one of the founders of Smart Company Software which Industry Onecard acquired in2022, and together we have formed Onecard Group.
    Highly qualified senior Software Engineer PHD with 20-plus years of commercial experience in the software industry.

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