NYCEX - New York Cryptocurrency Exchange. Our priority and focus is on compliance with U.S. regulations. IF WE BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME.

  • Stage Concept Only
  • Industry Financial Services
  • Location Eugene, OR, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Website

Company Summary

NYCEX INC. - the premiere Bitcoin and global digital currency and services exchange in the United States where users can buy, sell, trade and invest. Our priority is on security, regulatory compliance, premiere services and an innovative easy-to-use platform for all digital currencies and those to come. NYCEX is the next NYSE/NYCE. ASK YOURSELF 2 QUESTIONS 1.How to trade in US legally? 2.Which service will prove to be the best and most secure?


  • Jerry Buys
    CEO / Founder

    Passionate Entrepreneur and Tech Geek. Love Bitcoin and technoologies behind the new digital currencies market

    20+ years in computers and internet. Not a programmer. Computer Science major. Just a man with huge ideas seeking to turn them into reality..

  • Many Interested

    Programmers, Financial Experts, Bitcoin Developers, full Teams of the whole Combo and more have been reaching out to me for information and most like my ideas.

    This is all so new and quick that none of them - as yet - have committed to join the NYCEX team.

    Many with great Linkedin profiles. SO WHO KNOWS WHO WILL JUMP ON BOARD?

    MEANWHILE.......I'm not waiting around to get into this new market opportunity.

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