National Capital Brewing Company

High demand and limited supply in a craft beer-friendly market create an exciting opportunity for a new craft brewery in Washington, D.C..

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Location Washington, DC, US
  • Currency USD
  • Incorporation Type LLC

Company Summary

We are a craft microbrewery (in planning) focused on quality controlled volume production. Our idea is to open a production brewery that will use traditional and experimental brewing techniques to create our award-winning beers. Our beers satisfy the thirst of discerning beer drinkers whose preference is to drink craft beer...folks who enjoy the variety of craft beers in the marketplace.


  • Tucker Daugherty
    Director of Marketing

    As Director of Marketing, Tucker Daugherty brings experience in business development, creative design, and brand strategy to promote sales and secure market growth. Tucker is building a strong brand presence by leveraging established relationships in the craft beer community and developing opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. Tucker is also coordinating promotions and sales of our flagship beer, seasonal beers and special releases.

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