MONUMENTS is the latest feature-length film from Director Jack C. Newell and Producer Angie Gaffney. Shooting in Colorado, New York, and Illinois.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Media and Entertainment
  • Location Chicago, IL, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded June 2016
  • Employees 0
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website

Company Summary

A recently widowed man, driving a stolen pick-up truck, is chased cross-country by his irate in-laws to fulfill his wife's dying wishes by scattering her ashes in New York City.

MONUMENTS MOVIE, LLC seeks $700,000 in equity investment to complete production of Monuments in 2018. $100,000 is currently committed.


  • Producer

    Latest Project:
    Learn More at:

  • Director, Writer, Producer

    Learn more at:

  • Associate Producer

    Please see bio in business plan.

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