Monarc Global

Monarc Global has developed Travech, the leading Automated, Real-Time, Accurate pricing software for aircraft operators.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Internet / Web Services
  • Location Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
  • Currency AUD
  • Founded April 2017
  • Employees 13
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

Monarc is an av-tech solution for a real-time on-demand booking system which gives customers an integrated widget/portal for viewing, booking and paying for private aircraft charter.


  • CEO/Pilot

    17 years experience as a pilot in Africa, Europe and Canada. MBA, with a restaurateur background.

  • Cameron has over 20 years practical experience in the Software industry with clients including Boeing Australia, Virgin Blue Airlines and Temando. As a co-founder of Temando Pty Ltd he was an integral part of all aspects of the business (technical, operational, leadership, etc), being a hands on participant from early conception right through to the final acquisition stage.

  • Head of Technology Sales

    25 years in technology sales, sales team building an multi-market sales.

  • 27 years financial and business management domestic and global.

Previous Investors

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