MarkPap India, LLC

MPI holds patents for mass pap smear screening, the best prevention from cervical cancer, not attainable for India. One million is needed.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Location Rockville, MD, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded November 2010
  • Employees 4
  • Website

Company Summary

MarkPap India, LLC (MPI) was incorporated to sell BioSciCon's MarkPap(r) technology tools for cervical cancer prevention to Indian distributors, which will enable Indian healthcare providers to reverse negative trends of increasing cervical cancer prevalence and mortality into self-sustainable positive trends, making crucial impact on Indian women's health, while earning revenue from sales. Equity investment and licensing are welcome


  • Prof. Dr. Nenad Markovic
    President and CEO

    Internist, oncologist, high ranking academician, director of hospitals, clinics, international research programs. He is entrepreneur by choice-after discovery of the novel MarkPap biomarker of cervical abnormality. More than fifteen years of entrepreneurial experience, completed additional business education (3 years of NIH/ CAP commercialization programs), and founded and directed 4 small business companies.Client of the Year , SCORE, Wash

  • Prof Dr. Olivera Markovic
    Senior Vice President, Chief Sci.Officer

    Cancer research scinetist, acdemician, entrepreneur and author. NIH-trained scientist with more than 200 scientific publications, review articles, chapters, books and patents. Professor at 5 medical schools/ universities in US and overseas Co-inventor and developer of MarkPap platform technology for cervical cancer prevention. More than 17y entrepreneurial experience being director, founder and manager of small business companies and non-profi

  • Acting GM Acting Managers
    Management under restructuring


  • Mc.Cain & Associates, Inc.
    Paychex, Inc.

Previous Investors

  • BioSciCon, Inc.,
    NIH SBIR Grants ( phase 1 and phase 2), NIH-CAP ( Downbreaker. Larta)
    Private foundations, individuals, founders

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