MADE IN WORLD - Connecting Manufacturers & Buyers Worldwide

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Marketing / Advertising
  • Location Riyadh, Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia
  • Currency USD
  • Founded May 2015
  • Employees 11
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website

Company Summary

MADE IN WORLD is a Marketing and sales Company, which help Manufacturers/Exporters to market and sell their products worldwide.

Any product which is manufactured must be marked with MADE IN followed by COUNTRY OF ORIGIN label. For e.g. if a product is manufactured in U.S.A. it should be marked with MADE IN U.S.A.

Online -
We have launched which is World’s most unique marketing platform where manufacturers market and promote their products and get connected instantly with the Buyers/Importers/Procurement Teams virtually.

Offline - MADE IN WORLD Buyer Seller Meets
We have launched MADE IN WORLD Buyer Seller Meets world over where manufacturers can take part to promote themselves in different countries and meet buyers/importers face to face.

Premium Sales Service (PSS)
On the sales side, we have launched PSS which helps manufacturers to sell their products through direct sales channels in different countries of their choice. This will help them to minimize their expenses and maximize sales.


  • Habib has 10+ years of experience in Marketing and Sales. He previously worked with American Express and GVP Terminal, Riyadh as Marketing & Sales Manager. Habib is also Director of Business Development at Saudi Rahmaniah Group, which focuses on improving education, environment and healthcare in Saudi Arabia. He has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.

  • Mufreh M. Mufreh
    Senior Adviser & Office Manager

  • Administration & H.R. Manager

  • Mohammed Abdal Ghader
    Co-founder / Infrastructure Team Leader

    He has 8+ years of experience in managing servers and data centers

  • Syed Nasir
    Finance Manager

    9+ years of experience in accounting

  • Business Development Manager

    Abdul has 10+ years of experience in travel industry and business development.

  • Habib Ebrahim
    Co-founder / CTO

    Habib has 25+ years of experience in IT. He was previously the Chief Operating Officer at IT Martrix. He has an experience of working with global brands such as GE Capital, IBM, ITC Infotech. He has completed his MCA from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India.

  • Co-founder / Lead Developer

    Hashim has 7+ years of experience in coding and development

  • Co-founder / Lead Developer

    Pervez has 7+ years of experience in coding and development

  • Business Development Manager

    15+ years of experience in manufacturing, marketing & sales


Previous Investors

  • HRH Prince Abdul Rahman Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

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