live wave

live wave is my idea for a web site . it will be a chat room for every square mile of earth . it will be geographic twitter .

Company Summary

live wave is my idea for a web site . it will have a chat room for every square mile of earth , including the ocean . it will be like a geographic twitter . users will be allowed to post once an hour , under 200 characters , any where on the planet . when chat rooms in big cities get two crowded , they will spliter into a chat room for every acre . that will be level two . another splinter for a smaller space level three .


  • charles webster baer
    founder , president , owner

    my name is charles baer . I am 44 and live in bend oregon . my web site is . I was born and raised in santa cruz california . I have no kids and have never been married . I am the owner and founder of global internet government . I am the owner and founder of L I V E - W A V E .


  • charles baer
    charles baer

Previous Investors

  • charles baer

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