Kribi Coffee Company

Kribi Coffee Air Roastery offers an experiential and personalized coffee experience by roasting live instore. Result - always fresh and better-tasting coffee.

  • Stage $1M in TTM Revenue
  • Industry Food and Beverage
  • Location Forest Park, IL, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded February 2019
  • Employees 0
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

Kribi Coffee ethically sources green coffee beans from around the world, roasts them with eco-friendly, electric-powered air roasters and serves other unique beverages. The result is a distinctly clean and better-tasting coffee. Roasting in-store allows consumers to enjoy the experience of sight, smell and taste. They select their favorite single origin coffee and it is roasted in less than 10 minutes. Kribi Coffee is closing the freshness gap.


  • President/CEO

    Jacques hails from Cameroon. His family has owned 456 acres of farmland where Arabica and Robusta coffee and cocoa, have been cultivated over for the past 80 years. A graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, Jacques has founded and sold several technology companies. He has served in various capacities in strategic enterprise SaaS software sales and leadership roles for many companies that include:, Oracle and IBM.


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