Kilonewton Consultores de Engenharia Lda

SAFE BOX is a modular system for construction of evolutive buildings, resistant to seismic and bad weather, with factory controlled quality and low cost

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Construction
  • Location Aveiro, Portugal
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded February 2001
  • Employees 2
  • Incorporation Type Not Incorporated
  • Website

Company Summary

Kilonewton Consultores de Engenharia Lda (KN) is a Portuguese company operating in Portugal since 2001 in the areas of Engineering and Architecture. Since 2011 is installed in Mozambique with the Kilonewton Mozambique Lda conducting dozens of studies and projects.
In Mozambique and Portugal is launching the SAFE BOX, a 3d modular construction system in precast concrete, patented in Mozambique, South Africa, African OAPI Countries and Utility Model aproved in Spain, waiting for more 20 national patent aplications - ARIPO countries in Africa, Portugal, USA and Brazil.
This innovative modular construction technology enables to produce low cost buildings, with earthquake and bad weather great resistance, in a very short time, without the need of skilled workforce. The factories to produce the modules can be in a small scales, to produce 2-4 houses each week, medium scale 5-20 houses/week, or in a big scale 21-100 houses each week. Concrete precast factories that already exist all around the world can be adapted them with molds to produce our SAFE BOX modules, with low investment.


  • Partner

    Worked as Project Manager in the construction of an Highway during 4 years.
    Technical Commercial Engineer from Precontech International since 2013
    Managing Partner of company Lusoradon Unipessoal Lda
    Partner from Kilonewton since August 2015

  • Sócio Gerente

    Founded Kilonewton Portugal (2001) and Kilonewton Mozambique (2011)
    - Managing Partner;
    - Technical coordination;
    - Design of architecture and structures;
    - Research development in the structural area;
    - Inventor and author of the patent model construction system in prefabricated concrete SAFE BOX;

  • Dieter Rausch

    Owner of companies Precontech International GmbH and BVT Rausch GmbH, German companies who develop, manufacture and sell solutions for the lifting, connection and transporting elements in precast concrete, with about 40 years experience in this area of activity and business contacts all over the world. Author of several patents of innovative accessories for prefabricated concrete. It is a partner of KN since August 2015.

  • Filipe Saraiva

    Filipe Saraiva is an Architect, is owner and Technical Director of an Architectural Office (Filipe Saraiva Arquitectos) and is the Managers in one of the biggest precast companies in Portugal (Vigobloco SA) and in France (Vigobloco France). He has more than 20 years of international expertise in the Precast field.

Previous Investors

  • António Araújo
    Bruno Araújo
    Bruno Nogueira
  • Dieter Rausch

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