
kidsNwoods is a one stop online store with beautifully designed colorful furniture, wide range of furnishings and room accessories for children.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Consumer Products
  • Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
  • Currency INR
  • Founded April 2015
  • Employees 6
  • Website

Company Summary

kidsNwoods will be an online store of children’s furniture and accessories where we offer:
1. Creative and custom Furniture: kNw will offer creative and unique furniture for the children and furniture can be customized according to choice of the children and need of the parents
2. Better Quality: kNw will offer better quality at affordable price. The quality of our items is guaranteed to be equivalent to the best known brands but at lower cost
3. Safety First: kNw will ensure the safety of the children. Each and every furniture will be tested for safety. Materials used in furniture are guaranteed to be the regulated and approved by external expert team (like doctors and teachers)
4. Integrating learning: As indoor infrastructure can be utilized as a resource to teaching learning, kNw will also focus on integrating learning/concepts while designing furniture for small children. Parents would be more than happy if they have an opportunity to select furniture through which their children can learn as well
5. Online Store with offline advantage: kNw will offer all of its products online. Often customers do not feel comfortable in buying furniture without a physical inspection. kNw will offer offline store where customers can go and see the product (or similar products) before finalizing the deal. This will give them much more flexibility in buying

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