Janta Meals

Janta Meals addresses the issue of malnutrition in urban India by selling healthy, affordable and tasty meals prepared in a hygienic kitchen.

  • Stage $500K in TTM Revenue
  • Industry Food and Beverage
  • Location Delhi, India
  • Currency INR
  • Founded September 2013
  • Employees 10
  • Website jantameals.in

Company Summary

Janta Meals addresses the issue of malnutrition in urban India by selling healthy, affordable and tasty meals prepared in a hygienic kitchen. Currently we sell 15,000 meals daily. We are looking for funding to increase our production capacity so we can increase our sales to 150,000 - 200,000 meals daily.

Through the economies of scale we disrupt the current system. We produce our meals in a large kitchen, from where we distribute to several sales points: shops, canteens, clients such as factories and construction yards. By producing in large quantities we are able to maintain the lowest pricing without compromising on the quality.


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