Infrared Medical Technology

Launching the 1st "remote" medical grade and "smart" thermometer-- ThermoWand takes temperatures safer and smarter.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Location Floral Park, NY, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded November 2015
  • Employees 4
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website

Company Summary

Infrared Medical Technology (IMT) has contracted with Business Development Resources (BDR) to license our cutting edge ThermoWand thermometer technology. Autonomous versions of ThermoWand allow for early detection/prevention in the dairy/livestock/pet industries.
Licensing talks have begun in the dairy industry and plans to work with thermometer manufacturers are developing.



  • Co-Founder, CEO

    20 years in healthcare industry sales with launch experience in pharmaceuticals, health insurance and device. David has won numerous national sales awards and was selected by Roche to attain a MS in Direct Marketing, NYU '03.

  • Co-Founder, CFO and Patent Holder

    Prof Johnson recently retired from WIT in MA from teaching chip design and nanotech to devote fulltime effort to bring ThermoWand to market. Prof Johnson has put 120k into it over the last few years. Prof Johnson has also successfully run his own company Captain's Engineering and Consulting for 20 years. He hold's 2 Master's degrees, a 500 Ton Captain's License, is in the Swimming Hall of Fame and was President of the MA Engineering Society.

  • Chief Marketing Officer

    Doug is an active entrepreneur focused on creating innovative, growth focused businesses. Doug is responsible for identifying new tech trends to drive futureproof product development and works to secure and manage capital investments. Is also the founder of the Amazing Design Group, an integrated marketing agency that develops creative solutions for clients that range from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Doug has a BS in Business from UVA.

  • Richard Centauro
    Chief Technology Officer

    Rich is a tech guru, hands-on developer, and business leader for entrepreneurs. His background includes imaging technology with a number of companies including Imaging Technology Inc., Phillips/ElectroScan Corporation, Polaroid Medical Imaging Systems, NEC Computer Systems and State Street Bank where he was Vice President Architecture/DB for 15 years. He has been involved in 4 company launches. He holds a Degree in Technology from WIT '84.


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