
iMotorbike is the #1 motorcycles online classified-ads website in SEA. iMotorbike offers 3 main categories: motorbikes, parts and accessories.

  • Stage $500K in TTM Revenue
  • Industry Business Services
  • Location Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Currency MYR
  • Founded October 2016
  • Employees 7
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website

Company Summary

iMotorbike is a one stop shop for motorcycles in SEA. #1 currently in Malaysia and Indonesia, with the largest offering of motorcycles, parts and accessories. We currently work closely with 2300 dealerships and provide the end user access to more thatn 280K products live. iMotorbike delivers a CRM subscription to dealers, financing and insurance leads gen to partners, media exposure to manufacturers and brand owners. More to come as we grow!


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