Hubly Surgical

Hubly Surgical has a patented & FDA Cleared surgical drill, with automatic-stop and visual feedback, to make medical drilling safe across underserved settings.

  • Stage Product In Market
  • Industry Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Location Lisle, IL, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded May 2019
  • Employees 5
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website

Company Summary

Hubly Surgical has created the advanced FDA Cleared Hubly Drill, complete with auto-stop and visual feedback, to make surgical drilling safe. We’re first starting with the high-complication, hand-cranked, most common neurosurgery: bedside craniotomy. We have 100 hospital accounts in our sales pipeline, with 23 currently in value analysis review, including Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, University of Chicago, and Jefferson.


  • Casey researched Parkinson’s disease for five years in neuroscience labs, built neuro-implantable devices in a bioengineering lab, and analyzed neurosurgical data with Northwestern physicians. To gain further experience in data processing, Casey continued on to work as a software engineer within JP Morgan’s big data department. She was called back to neuro once again and left her six-figure salary to pursue Hubly Surgical full-time.

  • VP Technology

    Tyler earned his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from USC. He has >10 years experience in medical device product development, spanning class I, II, and III products across different applications, and holds 20 patents.

  • Amit Ayer, MD, MBA
    VP Clinical Development

    Dr. Amit Ayer is Chief Neurosurgery Resident at Northwestern Hospital, co-founder of medical device company Rhaeos, MBA recipient from Northwestern Kellogg, and incoming Fellow at Stanford Hospital. Amit has performed the ventriculostomy ~100 times in his life, so he knows from first hand experience how awful it truly is.

  • Nikhil Murthy, MD
    VP Operations

    Dr. Murthy attended Georgetown University School of Medicine, where he received his MD and a MS in biophysics. He is currently a neurosurgery resident at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and is completing his MBA at Kellogg School of Management.


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