Highview Solutions, Inc.

Delivering innovation to SAP clients which make the task of integrating with their customers and suppliers friendlier, faster, factual, and less expensive.

  • Stage $500K in TTM Revenue
  • Industry Software
  • Location Madison, WI, USA
  • Currency USD
  • Founded June 2018
  • Employees 9
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website hellohighview.com

Company Summary

Our innovative solution:
• Leverages advanced technologies which allow factual transparency of information between SAP clients and their business partners, eliminating disagreements and disputes before they have a chance to occur
• Provides a single source of truth for data from a technical standpoint, enabling our customers and their business partners to make better informed decisions on their integrated commerce transactions


  • Founder & CEO

  • Holly Williams
    VP Delivery & Support

  • Mike McKeough
    VP Business Development

  • Kathryn Kersels
    Director of Marketing

Previous Investors

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