GOAL Succeeders Corporation

To help other people become GOAL Succeeders by teaching them and encouraging them to want to be successful in their GOALS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS & ACHIEVEMENTS.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Marketing / Advertising
  • Location Virginia Beach, VA, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded August 2015
  • Employees 6
  • Website chazclyburn.simdif.com

Company Summary

GOAL Succeeders Corporation is more like a Motivational Management Group. We do not sell products, but we offer Yoga, Billy Blanks & Leslie Sansone Wellness Exercise Activity Services. Our main goal here with the GOAL Succeeders Corporation is to help people become GOAL Succeeders and to achieve their DREAMS & accomplishments, to make a living, to climb that Ladder of Success, to see what LIFE has to offer them.


  • Executive Director

    Beach House

  • Assistant Executive Director

    4+ years of experience in the Mental Health field

    2+ years of experience in the Facilitator Training field.

  • Marquita Leary
    Program Director

    Certified Peer Support Specialist


  • Marquita Leary
    Stacy Sessoms

Previous Investors

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