G.I. Joe Coffee Company

A veteran-owned premium coffee company who from its sales provides funding for disabled and disadvantaged veteran causes in the U.S.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Food and Beverage
  • Location Cave Creek, AZ, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded August 2013
  • Employees 3
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website gijoecoffee.com

Company Summary

G.I. Joe Coffee, Inc. is a coffee sales, marketing and distribution company that supplies uniquely-blended Fair trade coffee for sale to people who want a great coffee to drink as well as help fund Veteran causes. It is a Veteran-focused coffee brand that enables Veterans and those who support Veterans to actively participate in the direct funding of Veteran causes; specifically disadvantaged, disabled and differently-abled Veterans.


  • Founder/CEO

    Mr. Tony Hudson has had more than 18 years sales and marketing experience having served as Sales and Marketing Director for several corporations including entertainment, design, marketing, and online product sales industries.

    He holds an MBA in eBusiness, MS in Internet Marketing; both enable him to oversee Internet and online business operations of G.I. Joe Coffee worldwide.

    He is a USAF Academy Graduate and flew jet fighters for 10 years.

  • Jim Karol
    VP Business Devlopment

    Jim Karol has entertained MILLIONS globally via events and television appearances, including the Tonight Show, the Ellen DeGeneres Show, the Howard Stern Show, and NBC’s Today Show. Jim Karol travels monthly to Walter Reed Hospital and Fort Belvoir Medical center, where he uses his abilities to help veterans with PTSD and TBI. He is also working with various other hospitals helping with cognitive fitness and advanced memory training.

  • Mark Bishop
    Director of Sales and Marketing Media

  • Tarina Lovegrove
    PR/Media Relations Director

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