Exigence Technologies

Exigence Technologies is a chemical supply and process consulting firm ready to bring new antimicrobial technology to the North American textile industry.

  • Stage Product In Development
  • Industry Biotechnology
  • Location Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • Currency CAD
  • Founded 2014
  • Employees 3

Company Summary

Healthcare associated infections cost the North American Healthcare system as much as $48B/year, and research has shown improved environmental cleanliness can reduce this by 30%. Exigence has a leading biocide that kills all bacteria within 5 minutes of contact. Our business is to demonstrate the process to apply this treatment to textile surfaces and supply the chemical inputs at a substantial margin, generating an 85% IRR for the investor.


  • President & CEO

    EIT (Mech), MBA (2015)
    Process engineer with a background in aerospace R & D and high-tech manufacturing process efficiency

  • Chief Operating Officer

    RRT, MBA (2014)
    Healthcare manager knowledgeable in medical devices, infection control practices and the HAI issue

  • Javier Nudler
    Chief Marketing Officer

    MBA (2014)
    Over 20 years of marketing and supply chain experience

  • Chief Financial Officer

    20 years of applied economics experience


  • Stuart Henrickson

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