ETRACC Technologies
ETRACC's solution solves all of the inventory related problems in the construction rental industry
- Stage Prototype Ready
- Industry Business Products
- Location Hudson, OH, USA
- Currency USD
- Employees 3
- Website etracc.com
Company Summary
ETRACC Technologies seeks to provide construction rental companies with the means to manage and track their entire inventory via RFID, vs manually counting everything by hand, which is currently how it is done. ETRACC would save each client hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, eliminate their need to shut down business for weeks to do inventory, actively manage inventory, and instantly track incoming and outgoing shipments.
Dale William AndrassyPresident
Dale W Andrassy has been in the construction rental business for over 35 years, having started and sold 2 separate companies, and currently serves at CEO at WACO Forming and Shoring based out of Akron, OH. Dale is extremely passionate about starting ETRACC, since he believes it is something that is more than necessary in the construction business. Dales skills and contacts in the industry make him the most valuable asset to the launch of ETRACC.
Dale William Andrassy IIVice President
Dale II, son of Dale Sr., is a senior at Ohio University and is expected to graduate in December, 2011. Dale II created the business plan, financials, and has been working heavily with companies such as Alien Technologies and Real Time Intelligence in getting the product ready. Dale is currently studying down in Athens, OH and concurrently working with RTI in the testing phase of the product. Dale has a 3.9 GPA, enjoys golf, and likes to travel.
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