Dynamics Telephony

Dynamics Telephony integrates Microsoft CRM with any telephony system increasing efficiency by up to 30%.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Telecommunications
  • Location Galway, Ireland
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded May 2015
  • Employees 1
  • Incorporation Type LLC
  • Website dynamicstelephony.com

Company Summary

Dynamics Telephony’s solution is driven by the Microsoft CRM community demands for an “out of the box” software connector integrating their telephone system with their CRM. Dynamics Telephony integrates Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365 with all the leading telephony platforms making it a global saleable product to the widest possible customer base The promoters’ offering is the only effective solution that exists at the moment.


  • Sales Director

    30 years’ sales/marketing experience in telecoms industry having work in Nortel/Avaya, Hewlett Packard and CT Solutions, well known to key decision-makers at all large call centres in Ireland as well as the telephony vendors in the UK, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

  • As founder of CT Solutions, he steered the company profitably through multiple changes in the call centre market. He has 25 years’ experience in the telecoms software industry working in Nortel/Avaya (Galway & Canada) where he was responsible for the early development of their call centre strategy and technology. With CT Solutions he has overseen the development of a suite of call centre products which are now sold across Europe.

  • Mike Hoare

    20 years software development experience in the telecommunications and cloud computing arenas. His specialty is crafting design solution for Call Centres, including inbound, predictive dialling and browser based UX. He has extensive experience in designing for usability - particularly for Call Centres where usability demands are high


  • Carmel Moloney - Enterprise Ireland Development Advisor
    Barry O Sullivan

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