Crowd Delivery

The problem we are solving depends on each customer. For some it's time, for others it's convenience, for others it's mobility. But everyone needs groceries.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Food and Beverage
  • Location Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Currency AUD
  • Founded January 2015
  • Employees 12
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website

Company Summary

Crowd Delivery represents an exciting investment opportunity with huge potential. The company's goal is to become the primary ‘On-demand delivery service for groceries’ across Australia and the world - allowing every person access to home delivery of groceries and alcohol - on demand.

The team is highly driven with a solid foundation in tech, sales, multimedia and accounting.


  • CEO - founder

    Warwick is a highly driven, highly skilled, natural born leader. He will do whatever it takes to succeed. He is able to draw staff and customers together to see the vision and work tirelessly to achieve the company's common goal. His years in sales, marketing, coaching, business and software engineering holds him in good stead to understand almost every aspect of the business, execute it and know the right people to bring into the team.

  • Director of Customer Acquisition

    15 years sales experience
    11 years sales coaching and team building
    Project manager

    Henry is a charismatic leader that knows how to bring people together in order to achieve the objective. His experience in direct sales and building teams gives Crowd an upper hand on all competitors, due to Henry’s unique skill set.

  • Director

    6 Yrs in business accounting
    Master of business (Accounting)
    Bachelor of international business

    Omar is a sound risk accountant, that is invested in the company in all ways possible. His assessment on where we can mitigate risk and turn risks into strengths, gives the company a huge advantage to choosing the correct path to achieve our goals.

  • Co-Founder

    Senior Software Engineer (PHD)
    Exceptional leadership skills
    4 years at Amazon
    Leader for “Women in Tech”

    manda is a highly skilled and driven professional. With high leadership capabilities and proven results for companies like Amazon, Wotif and Expedia. Her knowledge of technology and innovation increases the team's scope tremendously.

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