Chiiz Creations Private Limited

Connecting through Lens

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Media and Entertainment
  • Location Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Currency INR
  • Founded February 2017
  • Employees 15
  • Incorporation Type Not Incorporated
  • Website

Company Summary

Chiiz is a technology venture which has created a digital ecosystem for Photographers, Photo Enthusiasts, Models, Stylists, Fashion Enthusiasts and Travel Enthusiasts across the globe.

Our Products
•, Marketing Solution & Event Facilitator

Our Revenue Model
•Stock Photos Sale
•Marketing Solutions
•SaaS Licensing
•Events Commission
•Hiring Artist

Go-to-market Strategy
• Contests, Magazine, Workshops, Travel, Campus and Corporate


  • Founder

    Indian Air Force Veteran and Passionate Photographer
    25 Years of IT Project Management, Hiring & Supply Chain Management. National Geographic, World Bank, Deloitte, US Dept of Labor, US Dept of Veterans, Cvent, TCS, CapitalOne Bank, AAMC
    Event Management, Travel, Banking, Healthcare, Non Profit, School System, Defense and State/Federal Government projects, School System, Logistics

  • Rishabh Jain
    Product Manager and Business Analyst

    A techie by profession and a foodie at heart, Rishabh loves finding bugs, not only in the backyard but also in the server. A footballer too.

    #Tech Savvy Innovator #Dropout and Sport Freak #Expert Business and Data Analyst #Photographer #Jack of all Trades

  • Prateek Kashyap
    Content Startegist

  • Chief Visualiser

  • Editor

  • Priyashi Negi
    Marketing Head

  • Priyashi Negi
    Marketing Head

  • Sales and Business Development


  • Shivanshu Trivedi

Previous Investors

  • Grow More

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